Dr. Hans Steiner

Hans Steiner was born in Vienna, Austria and received his Doctor medicinae universalis (Dr. med. univ. = M.D.) from the Medical Faculty of the University of Vienna, Austria, in 1972. Currently, Dr. Steiner is Professor Emeritus (Active – some say hyperactive) of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Child Psychiatry and Human Development at the Stanford University School of Medicine and Guest Professor, Medical University of Vienna and University of Innsbruck. His teaching on both continents makes it easier not to forget his deep roots and bring a European perspective into American Life.

He is a founding member of The Pegasus Physicians at Stanford, a group of some 60 doctors who write creatively. The group has public readings on campus 6 times a year, free and open to the public. The group’s poets also combine with The Saint Lawrence String Quartet to produce performances of music and ekphrastic poetry, i.e. poetry inspired by other forms of art.

He has authored over 500 academic articles, abstracts, reviews, books and book chapters.

As a creative writer, he has edited a book “On Becoming and Being a Doctor”; a fictional essay on The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo; and several short stories on medical practice, most recently in the 2015 Spring Edition of THE INTIMA, a journal of narrative medicine. He is working on a collection of patient based short stories on the lives of four teenagers which he followed for 20-30 years, “Stepping Into The River: Restarting Life”.